I am American-born Chassidic sofer, who studied in Chassidic yeshivos and received semichah in safrus. I live in the holy city of Tzefat with my wife and children. In addition to Tefillin, mezuzos, and megillos, I have written one Sefer Torah, and repaired many Sifrei Torah for congregations in Eretz Yisrael and America. Samples of ksav (hand-writing) may be viewed at www.soferoftzfat.com I take the responsibility of being a scribe very seriously, obtain parchments and batim from only the most reputable sources, and I immerse in a mikveh before beginning my day's work.
I want to bless all my costumers and friends around the world with a Shanah Tovah, a Happy and healthy year with everything we need B'ruchnius and B'gashmius
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