Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Elijah the Prophet

The darkness of the night covered the old alleyways of the city Tzefat; the streets slowly emptied, and the few lights still shining through windows gradually went out.

In one old house there was a simple Jew of Tzefat. He knew how to say the prayers, but not much else. He didn't even know Chumash. There he sat on the floor crying, weeping, over the destruction of the Holy Temple.

He imagined himself in the Temple, drinking with thirst from the holiness, full of spiritual ecstasy, bringing offerings to the Alter, hearing the singing, seeing the holy priest, seeing Jews come for the holidays and the streets of Yerushalaim full with people.

He arises with his heart full of joy and hope, when there is a knock on the door. He opens the door to see Elijah the Prophet enter, as a great light fills the room. He says to our Jew that his prayers went straight up to the Heavens, and that he was sent from Hashem to reveal to him when the Moshiach will arrive – on one condition: he must tell Elijah the Prophet what great thing he did on the day of his Bar Mitzvah.

Our Precious Jew says, "No. I will not say. What I do is just for Hashem and not for anyone to know of."

Elijah the Prophet departs, but in Heaven they tell Elijah to go down to teach him secrets of the Torah anyway. So, it was that he would come to teach this Jew secrets of Torah, and that's how this simple Jew that knew nothing became one of the great Tzadikim of his time, due to his devotion and the personal sacrifice that he had to do everything for Hashem alone.

Happy Chanukah!!!!!