Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ruchama Aliza

Ruchma Aliza has been at home for the last 3 months, (with all of her equipment, machines & ventilator) after the hospital threatened to pull the plug due to Florida law which considers her dead. She is still on a ventilator but is in stable condition. May she have a Refuah.Do a Mitzvah and send an e-mail with a couple of chapters of Tehillim that you will say everyday. (More Information Below)As a Zechus for Ruchama Aliza an e-mail address was setup that people could e-mail there questions and comments. It was mainly setup for the purpose that people could say Tehillim for her. We want to say the whole Tehillim at least once every day.The entire Tehillim is available at this time (Chapters 1-150)-(First Come First Serve).Anyone willing to say a couple of Chapters of Tehillim everyday is asked to e-mail .Read the entire story from the time it happened to the present so you will have more Kavana when Davening for her.Remember to have in mind Ruchama Aliza Sarah Chana bas Esther Leiba when Davening and saying Tehillim.May we only hear Simchas and may she and the whole Klal Yisroel have a Refuah Shleimah! May we see Moshiach in the near future, Bemhara Veyamenu, Amen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I begin on internet with a directory