Monday, October 5, 2009

The Tzadik and the Esrog

There was a great Tzadik by the name of Reb Yechiel Mechel of Zlotchev. He was very poor and never wanted to accept help from others - and although lots of money came his way, he always gave it to people that he felt were more needy. He wouldn't even go to sleep with money in the house; he would look for poorer people to give it to.One year, Sukkot was coming and the Tzadik didn't have a Esrog yet. He had no money to afford one, but he heard that there was a Jew in a nearby city that had the most amazing Esrog to sell and wanted a lot of money for it. With this in mind, the Tzadik sold a pair of Tefillin that had belonged to his father, and were very important to him, in order to have the money for this beautiful Esrog. Then he sent his students to make the purchase. When they returned with it, he called his children to come see what he had bought. His wife, hearing the commotion, asked what all the excitement was about. Upon finding out, she began to yell: "We don't have money for food or clothing, yet you sell the Tefillin and buy this expensive Esrog! In her frustration she grabbed the Esrog and took a big bite out of it. The children were silent while the waited to see what would happen next.Their father jumped to his feat and began to sing and dance, and he said: The Tefillin, I don't have. The Esrog, I also don't have. Now the Yetzer Horah wants to get me to get angry? No - the Anger I also won't have, and for this I have a reason to be happy -- that I overcame my anger! And he went on singing and dancing


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Nossy said...

I've heard of this story with many different people. May Gd bless His people both with physical and spiritual wealth, so they can both have a fancy esrog and happy family too.